Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Pray for the Unborn, and the Innocent, That Satan Wishes to Devour!

A Message from Our Blessed Mother Given to Beloved Shelley Anna on the 15th day of May 2023


Our Blessed Mother says,

Beloved Children

Guard your hearts from the temptations of this world, and conform yourselves to a littleness; where selflessness will blossom within your spirits.

Remain vigilant in your prayers for the unconverted. The hour is so very late!

I give you My Rosary of Light as I cover you with My Mantle. Pray My Rosary of Light that illuminates the darkness and exposes the path of righteousness that My Son has laid before you to follow.

My Beloved Children

It is time to abandon the ways of this world that leads to death and eternal separation from the Holy Trinity.

Beloved Children

Pray without ceasing for your counties, that have succumbed to the spirit of lawlessness that will bring about a civil unrest.

The world will continue to be at war as conflicts arise between countries.

Pray My Rosary of Light, that blinds the adversary.

Pray for the unborn, and the innocent, that Satan wishes to devour!

The Heavens continue to display God’s anger, that will be poured out.

My Children, let your safe refuge, always be within the Sacred Heart of My Son, Jesus Christ.

My Children

Thank you for responding to My Call.

Remember always My Promises, and let your prayers be without ceasing.

Thus saith, Your Loving Mother

Conformation Scripture

Revelation 12:4

And his tail drew a third part of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered to devour her child as soon as it was born.

In my dream.

I could see neighborhoods flooded by tsunamis,people were devastated. I walked into a Walmart, and there were victims trying desperately, to find things that they needed. I walked outside I could see cars on fire. News reporters, were asking people what happened. They replied, and said, The Lord is coming! The end is here! I believe now!

The Most Holy Rosary (of Light)


Source: ➥